Friday, June 1, 2007

Welcome to the blogging world...

I have been "blogging" since high school, on different sites here or there, but I finally decided I should put my thoughts and stories in one place. This of course will be a PG-13 rated version as I'll be sending the link to my friends AND family. I guess I just got tired of hearing "So and so asked about you again.." from my dad. Now he'll have a place to direct them as most of his stories get a little fuzzy since I usually interrupt his Dancing with the Stars viewing when I call on my way home from work.

Me: Dad.. did you hear what I said?
Dad: Of course... Oh, you should see this number that Joey's partner is wearing.. Whoo!
Me: (sigh...)

Just kidding, Dad :)

I chose the heading of this blog (Is this heaven?) because as any Iowan knows, the correct answer to that question is "No, it's Iowa." from the film Field of Dreams... However, if you ask just about any single 20-something where heaven is, they'd probably say Vegas. I'm just a girl trying to combine those two lives and figure out how to survive and excel is this big, bright city.

So this will be the longest, most general post since I really don't know who has any interest in my life out here. Let's put it into categories:

The new job.. I love it. I don't have a single doubt that I made the right decision. I'm working on this on my lunch break, and sometimes I just sit and listen to the people around me talk about all the cool things are office is working on. I feel so blessed to be living out my dream.

The clients I work on are Nevada Cancer Institute, The Blue Man Group, Las Vegas Springs Preserve, BODIES The Exhibition, Vegas PBS, and El Cortez Hotel.

Coolest things I've been asked to do so far... On Wednesday, I am scheduled to work the Ocean's 13 premiere at The Palms. That's right, me and Clooney rubbing elbows... Well, ok, probably not THAT cool, but definitely an experience. That is only to be followed up by a Jewel concert on Saturday for the Grand Opening of the Las Vegas Springs Preserve.

I'm just excited for all the opportunities at this job, and I actually get excited to come to work. Now THAT'S a good feeling!

I was worried when I left Iowa that I would never find friends anywhere that compared to my friends from home. While I miss my friends back there every day, I have been so lucky to find a great group out here as well. We keep pretty entertained with a good mix of things to do, either dancing at a club, singing karaoke, laying poolside, going to movies, watching sporting events a Buffalo Wild Wings, or my favorite activity - 'Clark family rules' water volleyball.

I've been lucky to have quite a few friends stop into town as well which cuts down on the homesickness. Kelly has been out here twice, and with her upcoming move to Phoenix, I know we will see a lot more of each other. Jessica and Stephanie came to visit in March, and we all had so much fun together. I'm trying to convince my brother and the boys to make it out in November, but only time will tell.

Speaking of the brother, my reports tell me he is doing well. He has a job with something to do with printing so I know the whole family was excited about that. He is living in Des Moines, near Drake, which I was very jealous of around the time of the Relays. I wish we talked more, but I don't really know what we'd talk about. He is currently upset with me for not placing a bet on the Mayweather boxing match for him, but hopefully he'll get over it by the time Notre Dame football starts :)

Mom just bought a new house in Ames that she is in love with. I think she is so excited to have a place to call her own and put her decorating hobby to the test. The backyard is nice and spacious with a fenced in yard for the puppies to run free. We are trying to plan a trip to Kansas City this summer in August. She claims any time she pays to fly me home, she never gets to see me, so she wanted a destination weekend.

Dad is busy with work, golf, and announcing the baseball games this summer. He keeps me updated on all the happenings in GC, and I am excited to see him again in July when we fly up to San Francisco for Shaun Moylan's wedding.

People always want to check in on the love life... Dating in this town is impossible. That's all I'll say for now! :)

This week has been a hard one as far as the homesickness goes. I think there have just been so many things going on back home that I haven't gotten to participate in so it's been hard... And you know, it's the little things I miss. Going to baseball games with my dad, Jess & Steph's housewarming party, seeing them tear up the high school track where I spent four years cheering my heart out on, seeing Britni graduate high school, etc etc etc...

At the end of the day, I am proud of myself for taking this leap. But I can't help but wonder what my life would have been like if I was still in Des Moines. I know I'm a better person because of this journey, but it doesn't make being away from all I knew for 22 years any easier or make me miss it any less.

I'm where I'm supposed to be right now. But I don't know how long that will last.

But as always - this too shall pass. These are good times, and I'm going to enjoy them.

Look for more fun news soon!

I took this picture looking out on The Strip from the Foundation Room at Mandalay Bay.

1 comment:

MariaH said...

Well, give Brad a nudge for me and tell him Bilal has big plans to take over as the next Brad Pitt in another 15 years or so. Oh and if Gwyneth is there, tell her hi - she and I go way back. heh heh maria